
Awards update - IRS Blows it AGAIN

From Colleen Kelley: As some of you have heard by now, IRS has decided to delay issuing these awards in this pay period due to the many, many errors that chapter leaders brought to our attention within hours of seeing the data management gave us. The latest management decision is to issue them in pay period 19, which would have the money in the pay checks that go out October 11. Of course, I would not rely on that too heavily. Based on the analysis chapters did and what the national staff did afterwards, we believe there were several errors made in the production of the recent data by management. However, management still seems to think that there was only one system error and when it is corrected, everything will fall into place. Frankly, I doubt that very much.

Aside from alerting our members that the awards money they expected to be in their accounts next week will not be there, I also ask that you remind them that NTEU has told management from the beginning of the current system that the agency would never be able to administer the system correctly. So far, we have been proven correct every year since the system was implemented. This morning as Buggs was telling us what they have been able to learn about what management did and how soon he hoped to get it corrected, I took the opportunity to remind him that we never had significant problems under the old system where awards were based on local union-management agreements. I also told him that once management is ready to enter into a fair set of ground rules we will do everything we can to redesign the system so that management can not only administer it, but so that employees know in advance what they need to do to get an award.

Based on what we know so far, had management paid awards based on the current data, entire chapters would not have received a cent, hundreds of employees would have received duplicate awards and been liable for repaying them, and probably thousands would have received the wrong amount due to being in the wrong pool or would not have received an award to which they are entitled.

I will keep you updated on developments on this important issue.

Please let employees know about the change in the payment date of awards under NPAA, and of the reason why --- IRS errors that were identified by NTEU chapters.


Latest on Awards!

Awards update - IRS Messes it up as usual! This message is from Colleen Kelley: This is a followup to my emails late last week about the problems with the awards data provided by the IRS. We pulled the NPAA 07 data off the web site because chapters were finding so many errors with it. In a perfect world, all we should have to do with the data file the IRS sends us is break it into separate files for chapters. Unfortunately, we have never been so lucky under the award system IRS insisted we put in place in 2002. So far, we have found many of the normal errors indicating that not everyone was paid correctly, but also that the data on entire chapters is missing, many employees are labeled as being in one division when other data provided by the IRS has them in another division, the pools cannot be reconstructed, etc. When management insisted in 2002 that we replace the local awards system with a national program, we told them they would not be able to run it correctly. However, even I expected that after three years they would finally get it down right. They now have a five-year record of being unable to avoid even the huge mistakes. So, let me just end by passing on that there is a “high-level” meeting in AWSS tomorrow to try to figure out what happened. I will let you know what we learn from that.

Colleen M. Kelley
National President



Chapter 32 President Mary J. Wright announced Monday (8/6/07) that Chapter 32 has won the NTEU National newsletter competition, for chapters of our size. Since these constitute a fairly high percentage of all NTEU chapters, our chapter can hold it's head high and proud in the information effort. We take a great deal of pride here at 32 in using many methods of keeping our members abreast of the latest developments, and we appreciate the support we get from our membership in this effort.


Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2007, marked a good day for NTEU, as both Colleen Kelley and Frank Ferris were overwhelmingly reelected to a third 4-year term as President and Exec. VP of NTEU. Chapter 32 campaigned for them, Colleen especially, and it appears we will have another 4 years of good progressive leadership.


Hockey, Anyone?

The Colorado Avalanche 2007-2008 season will be quickly upon us. Our Avalanche ticket representative Sarah Feldman has information on their new 14 game ticket packages and season tickets. (see below) If you are interested in these packages, contact Sarah now for the best seating options before they do their big marketing push.
We will get additional information on single game tickets as the season draws closer. We will have an opportunity to purchase single game tickets before they are made available to the public.
As the season progresses we will receive special offers on 2 to 3 specific games each month.
Buy any Colorado Avalanche 14-game package and receive the Pittsburgh game for FREE!
In the past we have only been able to offer the popular 14-game package in either the upper level corner or upper level center areas of the arena. However, we are proud to announce that this season we have held a limited number of tickets in the LOWER level that will be available for the 14-game package! The lower level tickets for this promotion are extremely limited and will sell out fast .
Full Season Tickets: Great seat locations are available in various areas of the arena including lower level, club level, and upper level.
Half Season Partner Plan: Can’t make it to all of the games? We will match you up with a partner who would is looking for tickets in the same price range.
For specific pricing and seating options please call Sarah Feldman at 303-405-1376 or by
Email: sfeldman@pepsicenter.com


NTEU Recognizes Our Service Men & Women!

To allembers and families:
For months this union has proudly featured NTEU members and their relatives who have selflessly served their country, not only through their daily jobs, but also through military service in the Reserves or National Guard. (These are posted in the Bullletin and on the NTEU web site.)
As NTEU celebrates another Independence Day, it is important we keep in mind the dedication and perseverance shown by numerous members of the NTEU family who serve their country, both in their military and civilian lives.
For us to keep the popular “Members in the Military” tribute web site updated with the most up-to-date information, we need your help. If the information of anyone currently profiled on the web site has changed (promotion in rank, new deployment orders, moved to a new city/town, etc.), NTEU wants to know about it. Also, if any other chapter members would like their military service — or that of a family member — recognized, please forward the information, including photos, as soon as possible.
All submissions should be sent electronically to NTEU-PR@nteu.org or by mail to NTEU Public Relations, 1750 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006. Also, please copy Chapter 32 at Nteu032@aol.com .