
NTEU Recognizes Our Service Men & Women!

To allembers and families:
For months this union has proudly featured NTEU members and their relatives who have selflessly served their country, not only through their daily jobs, but also through military service in the Reserves or National Guard. (These are posted in the Bullletin and on the NTEU web site.)
As NTEU celebrates another Independence Day, it is important we keep in mind the dedication and perseverance shown by numerous members of the NTEU family who serve their country, both in their military and civilian lives.
For us to keep the popular “Members in the Military” tribute web site updated with the most up-to-date information, we need your help. If the information of anyone currently profiled on the web site has changed (promotion in rank, new deployment orders, moved to a new city/town, etc.), NTEU wants to know about it. Also, if any other chapter members would like their military service — or that of a family member — recognized, please forward the information, including photos, as soon as possible.
All submissions should be sent electronically to NTEU-PR@nteu.org or by mail to NTEU Public Relations, 1750 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006. Also, please copy Chapter 32 at Nteu032@aol.com .

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